Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Well, another month gap! Lazy fool!

 I have to admit that I don't have a lot to share in this blog but not making it every couple weeks or so is just criminal.  Sorry.  Mostly we have been transitioning to cooler weather.  We even got some precipitation in the last couple days so we have snow on Mount Charleston.  That's the re-fill for our aquafier so we are always happy to see that.  Seeing 10 feet would be great but I imagine it is only a couple feet.  I actually looked the snow level up and apparently it varies between 8 inches and 160 inches!  Well, we can but hope.

Our dog, Gus, has had a problem with his right front paw since we got him in February.  He's had 8 or 10 different medications, both oral and applied to the paw.  We finally asked our vet to operate on his paw and see what is going on.  She didn't find anything specific but there were some poorly healed scars and some crud in his foot all of which she cleaned out.  Of course we had more salve and bandages which did not make him a happy camper.

I'm  happy to say that this seems to have done the trick.  He is still receiving medication but he's lost the cone and generally is just ignoring his foot just like a dog should do.  

Our town had it's annual Balloon Festival.  It was a bit too windy for much ballooning though.  I did get a couple of shots but usually you will get a shot with 4 or 5 balloons fairly close together.

We have also decided that we may as well get rid of our 31' travel trailer.  It is 12 years old and moving it around isn't as easy for us as it was back in the day.  (There is quite a difference between 62 and 74!)  Anyway, rather than fool around trying to sell it we've decided to donate it to the American Legion Vehicle Donation operation.  So far it is still in the back yard but we are hoping that it will be gone before Xmas.  It is still in good shape so we are hoping that they will get a nice amount for it.  We'll see.  This afternoon we will be going out and taking photos of it for them and unloading all the 'stuff':  plates, glasses, cooking utensiles and who knows what else.  There is even a certain amount of canned food that we'll probably just pitch since it is at least 2 years old!  Fun and games.

I'll end with a photo of something someone put on the back window of their car.  You can tell me what it means!

Take care.  Keep that social distancing and washing those hands.  Hopefully I'll get back here fairly soon but if I don't; have a Merry Christmas and may 2023 be a great year for us all!

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