Friday, December 09, 2011

On your mark!

Get Set!  Go!
Yep!  It's started already.  Ron Paul supporters are out putting up the first sign.  Gotta give them credit for being the early birds. 

We went to a little craft sale thing in one of the casino parking lots this afternoon.  Got mugged by another bunch of Ron Paul supporters.  OMG, one guy told me how he joined the John Birch Society back in 1989.  He was also of the opinion that President Obama idolizes Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin.  Another guy asked if I thought the President loves America.  When I said I am sure that he does, the guy zoomed off to bother someone else.  Jeez.  All the nuts aren't in the can!

Don't get me wrong, I'm severely disappointed in the job Mr. Obama as done.  I'm amazed at how little he has gotten done and how his relations with the Congress seem to be non-existent.  Of course the fact that the Congress is totally mired in party politics makes them all look like idiots.  (Ok, maybe the fact that they ARE mostly idiots might have something to do with it.)  I don't mind a lot of what Ron Paul has to say when he is being a libertarian but there are a few items that don't work for me.  For instance  (this is from a handout we got from his supporters),
1.  Phase out the IRS
2.  End income tax
3.  Stop foreign aid
4.  End the Federal Reserve system.
I guess I've got to pass on this guy.

Someone sends a message around every now and then asking for an amendment to the constitution saying something like:  Congress will pass no legislation pertaining to themselves that does not pertain to the entire population of the U.S.    The idea is that all the special benefits given to members of Congress should be abolished.  I'm good with that, I just wonder why all the new Tea Party candidates who were elected last year haven't proposed the legislation.  Or for that matter, why hasn't Ron Paul gotten it passed.  LOL  I'm shocked and amazed.

Well, it's going to be an interesting year.   Have a good one.

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