Thursday, April 09, 2009

A Bucket List? Not yet!

One of the blogs I often read is Nick's Blog at Nick and his wife are full time rv'ers who also publish a newspaper called Gypsy Journal. He was talking about his bucket list - the things he wants to do before dying. Coming on top of having my sister-in-law diagnosed with breast cancer, it got me thinking. (Always a bad thing!)

I don't have a Bucket List; not because I'm worried about my own mortality but because I really don't think about dying. But maybe it would be a good idea to work on a list. There are tons of things I'd like to do; I should be doing one of them and not spending so much time reading blogs! (For example!) Travel is a huge one: one of the reasons we moved out west was so that we could rv to places out here. In the area of foreign travel, I'd be willing to visit almost anywhere! We've been on a couple of cruises and I don't like them, however, an Alaska cruise sounds pretty interesting.

What about you? Do you have a list? What's on it? Curious people want to know.

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