Thursday, May 29, 2014

Voting Day

We have 'early voting' here so my wife and I were able to vote in the primary election today.  This is when candidates are chosen by the major parties.  My wife and I are independents so we get to vote on a couple positions that are in theory non-political.  This includes the position of Sheriff.  We don't have a local police force so the county sheriff is the only cop we've got.  It brings out some really weird folks. I'm not going to use names but I'll just list them giving their primary experience.  First I'll list the ones I pretty much reject out of hand.

1.  A corrections officer from another state who calls himself the 'constitutional candidate'. 

2.  An investigator for the District Attorney who has previous experience as a police officer.  This candidate happens to be the only woman in the group.

3.  A detective who is currently working in the sheriff's office.

4.  A Private Investigator and former deputy.  He is alleged to have illegally siezed a woman's home.

5.  A deputy currently working in the sheriff's office.

6.  A former customs agent.

7.  A local guy who is at least 70 years old and has run for sheriff numerous times never getting more than a couple hundred votes.

Then there are these two whom I feel might actually have the training to be the sheriff.

8.  A man who retired as a Captain from the sheriff's office a couple years ago after being offered early retirement for budgetary reasons. 

9.  A man who is currently an Assistant Sheriff who was given a recommendation by the retiring sheriff.  This guy's name is Rick.

So how to chose between numbers 8 and 9?  Well, it was going to be a tough choice until Rick, number 9, went out and actually was filmed pulling political signs out of the ground!  How incredibly foolish can someone be?  Of course it is illegal.  It also shows a total lack of judgement.  It just stinks.  So how about the signs this guy thought were so  bad?

LOL!  The actual signs Rick was caught pulling up and throwing on the ground were considerably smaller than this version but it was the same sign.  I don't know what old Rick did to this guy but it sure must have been something.  And Rick reacted.  That reaction sure helped me decide who I'd rather have for sheriff. 

To make things even more interesting Rick has spent as much as the next four high spending candidates in the running.  We'll see if money can buy respectability.  Here's what our local paper reports about it.  Stay tuned!.

1 comment:

Croft said...

Now THAT is a story! What an idiot!

Sorry Don but somehow I lost your Blog notifications and stopped seeing when you posted. I thought you had retired from Blogging! I am back on track now.