Monday, June 19, 2023

Happy Juneteenth!

Juneteenth is an official US holiday celebrating the date two years after the end of the civil war when slaves in Texas were notified that they were free. It is celebrated in 28 states and the District of Columbia.  It strikes me as odd that we have a federal holiday that isn't celebrated in all states.  Isn't that odd?  Well, to be honest, I don't know how many states OFFICIALLY celebrate the 4th of July.  Anyway, obviously the end of slavery is certainly something to be celebrated even if it was 2 years after it ended in the rest of the country.  It would be great if slavery did not exist anywhere in the world!

Personally we are having another trial:  just after we returned from our trip to San Simeon my wife slipped in the shower and broke her right ankle in at least two places.  Well, gee, that gives you a new way of life!  Our local EMT's did a fantastic job of getting her out of the shower and off to the hospital. Then the hospital took a couple x-rays and wrapped her ankle up.  Unfortunately there was a problem somewhere and it was a full week before we got to see a surgeon!  We drove into Las Vegas to see him and he said it should have been set immediately.  So he managed to work us into his schedule the next afternoon.  What a bunch of idiots we have here in Pahrump!

So now we have a walker that was forced upon me back when I fell.  We have crutches that were forced on my wife at the local hospital.  And we have a wheelchair that I went out and bought because my wife's foot hurt too much when she tried using the crutches or walker.  What a deal!  Now we have a followup visit with the surgeon later this week.  Here is what we've seen of my wife's injury so far.

The outline shows the major fracture.  There are also some parts in the interior that are broken but they don't really show up well on the x-rays.  On the outside it's a little different. 

We were told that she shouldn't put any weight on it for at least 2 weeks.  It hurts enough that she didn't need to be told twice.  Anyway, that's been our month of June and it won't be speeding up as far as I know.  Talk about life in the fast lane!  

Thanks for stopping by.  Keep washing those hands!

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